Hartshorne CofE Primary School
School Day
School Start and Finish Times
The school gates open at 8.30am for drop off for all classes and closes at 8.45am when morning registration takes place.
The school gates open for pick up at 3.15pm.
Totally weekly figure for the time pupils spend in school 32.5 hours.
Reception and KS1: 12.00noon - 1.00pm
KS2: 12.15pm - 1.00pm
There is a 15 minute break in the morning for all classes and an afternoon break year group dependent.
Holidays in Term Time
In September 2013 the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force. These regulations make it clear that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Any requests for leave of absence should be on an official school absence request form (please see below or ask for a copy from the school office) and handed into the school office for consideration prior to any holiday/leave arrangements being made.
You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised.
The advice to headteachers is not authorise any leave of absence during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances. We will comply with this advise. On 6th April 2017 the Supreme Court appeal, in relation to the Platt v Isle of Wight case, determined that under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996 attending school 'regularly' means:
"In accordance with the rules prescribed by the school"
Please note that from 1st September 2017, if requested, Derbyshire County Council will consider the issue of a penalty notice for any period of holiday absence which has not been authorised by the Headteacher regardless of a child's wider school attendance